How To Overcome Vaginismus – The Mentor

This is a continuation of a conversation that started with the 5 Core Principles of Success (The Secret Sauce). If you haven’t been introduced to them yet, please begin here.

Now that you’re all caught up…

Let’s dig deeper into the 1st core principle…

The Mentor

This is the person who has found a solution to your problem and wants to share it with you!

The venturer who has walked the road to success. The one who has taken the wrong turns, learned from her mistakes, and is wiser from her experience.

She has walked in your shoes and is now passionate to help you along in your own journey.

Why does the mentor need to be someone with firsthand experience?

Because that’s the only way she will be able to relate to your struggles, warn you of the obstacles along the way, offer shortcuts in your path and remind you of the joy waiting for you on the other side.

How does the mentor bestow her wisdom?

Through the 2nd core principle of success… The Map.

– Katrin, with Love