Welcome to

Sexually Liberated

The Holistic Manuscript To Your Vaginismus-Free Life

This Is What Vaginismus Sisters Are Saying..

Does This Sound Like You? You..


What if…

  • You’re finally connected with fellow vaginismus sisters and feel the sigh of relief of not going through this alone. Your loving partner is beyond proud of your strength, you feel confident that you’ll come out of this and you even open up to your girlfriends about your journey.
  • You get in touch with your inner seductress and your sexual prowess is off the charts! You find yourself initiating, effortlessly.. You ACTUALLY look forward to sex now! (Sometimes you have to pinch yourself – who is this woman?)
  • Your phone is going off with all of the celebratory messages coming in, now that you shared with fellow vaginismus sisters about your first internal orgasm! Can adding PIV (penis in vagina) sex to the sex menu really feel THIS good?!
  • It feels amazing to have the choice of having kids be completely up to you.. You sit in your new rocking chair and look down at your pregnant belly and in this moment, you feel more at peace than ever. You are just over the moon that the biggest question on your mind now is what colour to paint the nursery walls!

Sex can be pleasurable for you.. WILDLY pleasurable in fact, more than you ever thought possible.

THIS Can Be You!

It will be my greatest joy to reignite the spark of hope in your sexual freedom! In fact, I trust that you’ll be feeling confident about overcoming vaginismus when I hand you the torch at the bottom of the page!

And should you choose to join the revolution, it will be my deepest honour to support you in putting vaginismus firmly in your past. In turning the page to your Sexually Liberated life chapter, like I did.

I can already imagine the way we’ll get to celebrate together!

As Seen On

“Thank you so much for being a voice to us. It was through you I realized I had vaginismus when I came across an article.”

– Talulah

18 years old, Manchester, UK

Women Have Overcome Vaginismus! This Is How They Feel About Their Newfound Sexual Freedom


The manuscript focuses on nourishing the mind, body and spirit – a holistic approach.

It is based on Katrin’s 3 Pillars Of Putting Vaginismus In Your Past:
Compassionate Emotional Processing
Discovering Your Authentic Sexual Self
Physical Release And Relaxation

This experience prioritizes your mental and emotional well-being and a nervous system reset, which are the keys to complete compassionate emotional processing of your past.

It also helps you embody your authentic erotic signature and sexual expression, by exploring safety in touch and re-discovering turn-on according to your unique erotic wiring. This is an adventure largely overlooked by traditional medical methodologies!

All of these create the fabric of safety and curiosity, which are the foundation for effective physical release and relaxation and ultimately, pleasure!

This library of vaginismus butt-kicking resources is the exact same one that I use to support vaginismus sisters who choose to invest in private mentorship with me! You get to dive into Katrin’s 3 Pillars Of Putting Vaginismus In Your Past in community and from the comfort of your own home.

At your unique timing, you’ll be able to..

  • Wear tampons comfortably
    (without almost fainting from the pain!)
  • Have pain-free pelvic exams, trans-vaginal ultrasounds and other internal exams
  • Get your libido back and learn how to confidently initiate sex in your unique erotic language
  • Enjoy penetrative sex of any kind – and yes, pleasurably
  • Conceive naturally and have your dream of becoming a mother finally come true
  • Continue to have PIV sex throughout your pregnancy journey, if you want to of course

Side effects may include..

  • Letting go of people pleasing tendencies and setting boundaries like a boss
  • Releasing perfectionist patterns, anxiety and even OCD
  • Feeling erotically alive, magnetic and sexy both inside and outside the bedroom
  • Saying goodbye to your fear of injections
  • Swallowing pills effortlessly (no more breaking them/crushing them)
  • Living happily ever after – I’m only partially kidding about this one

Your Notes of Gratitude

Satisfaction Guaranteed

My commitment to you is to provide immense value. If you’re not totally satisfied with what you got for any reason, please send me an email at hello@katrinwithlove.com within 7 days of your investment. You’ll get a full and courteous refund right away.

Secure Payment

Your credit card details are not stored on our servers. The information goes directly from your computer to our secure payment service provider.

Here’s what you get as part of the manuscript when you join us

made up of..

Chapter Videos

Audio Practices, Rituals and Meditations

Worksheets, Games and Journaling Prompts

Expert & Guest Interviews

Monthly Deep Dives

Monthly Question & Response Sessions

Four 3-Day Masterclasses

Your Private Digital Planner

Your Loving Support Structure

Monthly Giveaways

Access To Our Love Diary

12-Month Step-By-Step Plan Of Home Play Activities


Turn the self-fulfilling prophecy of the Cycle of Pain into the productive Cycle of Confidence

Overcoming vaginismus is all about moving out of The Cycle Of Pain. That’s why I’ve put together an experience to help you jumpstart process by turning The Cycle of Pain into The Cycle of Confidence. To be certain that you CAN and WILL overcome vaginismus!

Let’s take a deep dive into Katrin’s 3 Pillars Of Putting Vaginismus In Your Past – Compassionate Emotional Processing, Discovering Your Authentic Sexual Self and Physical Release And Relaxation.

This initiation will build the momentum necessary as you move through the rest of your Sexually Liberated Love Story. With the help of various resources and my signature 3-day video Masterclass (made up of over 6 hours of vulnerable video content), you will feel clear and confident about the rest of your path to your erotic freedom!

In this chapter, you will..

  • Light that inner spark of hope that overcoming vaginismus IS possible for you and have help in staying positive and inspired, especially through the toughest days
  • Learn 11 valuable tips from women about what helped them overcome vaginismus
  • Gather 7 pieces of advice that I was given in my journey, that I urge you NOT to follow
  • Learn about the protective body response of vaginismus and why it’s not a sexual dysfunction
  • Get clarity on the cause of this private pain for YOU personally

The beginning of the end to your vaginismus journey



Developing this skill of self-regulation of your nervous system is an absolute MUST in the journey of overcoming vaginismus.

This is a collection of yin and yang yoga classes specifically designed to support you with overcoming vaginismus.

Do you KNOW about the benefits of yoga, but can’t seem to get in the habit of practising it alone? This is your opportunity to prioritize your full body relaxation, with the choice of being accountable to fellow vaginismus sisters all around the world!

Through a variety of hip openers, stretches, and breath to movement flows, you learn how to physically bring your body and your pelvic floor muscles back to a neutral, relaxed state. You calm your mind and nervous system, release physical tension, and become more in tune with your body’s needs and wants.

This is the sigh of relief that your body is craving.

These classes are led by two Certified Yoga Instructors who also have personal experience with vaginismus.

In this chapter, you’ll learn to..

  • Prioritize your self-care through a yoga practice specifically designed for overcoming vaginismus
  • Connect the mind, body and soul through both movement and stillness
  • Create more awareness in your relationship to your breath
  • Release tension held in your pelvic floor muscles and other muscle groups
  • Witness real and raw shares from fellow vaginismus sisters about their journeys

A relaxing gathering with fellow vaginismus warriors, to practice yoga and self-care

This Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) practice may be THE key to success for you.

The mechanism of TRE® helps you release deep muscular tension and down-regulate your nervous system, by activating a natural reflex mechanism of vibration starting deep in the core of the psoas and iliopsoas muscles. By evoking a self-controlled muscular shaking process called neurogenic muscle tremors, the body releases pent-up tension and trauma as if on autopilot.

Benefits may include decreased anxiety and symptoms of PTSD, increased energy and flexibility, healing of injuries, better sleep, feeling safe in surrender, and emotional resiliency.

This practice is led by me, a Certified TRE® Provider.

In this chapter, you’ll learn to..

  • Release deep muscular stress and tension held within the body from the inside out, without any stretching or massage
  • Calm both your body and the down-regulate your nervous system, restoring a grounded sense of being
  • Allow your brain to register a reduction in the fight or flight signals, contributing to an easing in stress, tightness and pain

A deeply transformational practice, to release tension and trauma



The emotional healing and expression that the sexual liberation journey calls for makes up at least 60% of the path to overcoming vaginismus.

If I didn’t pause my dilating practice and make my emotional readiness a priority, I will have continued to poke myself with a dilator for many more years. My body would have continued to reject the idea of penetration, intensifying my pain…

That’s why the appropriate attention to your emotional healing and expression is necessary! It’s critical to create an emotional readiness, supported by a regulated nervous system, so that the steps you take later in the physical journey are effective. 

It’s crucial that you make peace with your past and create a fresh slate in your present, before working on creating your future.

In this chapter, you will explore..

  • The possible causes of your experience of vaginismus. Some you’ve surely considered before and others that I guarantee you’ll be surprised by!
  • A deep dive on trauma and how your childhood experiences may have impacted your body, nervous system and subconscious mind
  • Practices to support you in resolving past pain, safely expressing your suppressed emotions and processing significant events that shaped your way of being as an adult

Setting yourself up for success, emotionally

Because of vaginismus, it can be easy to fall into habits of being overly critical of yourself and your body. This can unfortunately slow down the healing process and contribute to your pain.. But don’t underestimate the healing power of words!

This is a 1-hour creative writing class tailored to exploring various themes related to your private pain, including unlearning sexual shame, navigating body image challenges, processing difficult relationships and medical experiences, and inner child healing. 

Through various forms of creative writing (like poetry, short stories and letters), you better recognize damaging self-talk and create a more compassionate way of being. You process painful experiences of the past, as feels safe for you, and can choose to share your creations and feelings with fellow vaginismus sisters.

This workshop is led by a writer who is experiencing vaginismus.

In this chapter, you will learn to..

  • Speak more kindly to yourself, your vulva, vagina and other areas of your body
  • Process the pain in your heart around the difficult events you’ve experienced in the past and continue to be tainted by today
  • Create a channel for self-expression and release suppressed emotions that are still held in your body in the form of tension

Words can inspire and words can destroy, so you must choose yours well


Honouring your unique erotic wiring so you can ignite the spark in intimacy again, whether you’re in a partnership or not.

Due to the excruciating pain you’ve experienced (originally wondering if it’s a ‘normal’ part of sex), you’ve gritted your teeth through discomfort on more than one occasion to satisfy your partner.

You’ve accidentally put your own pleasure near the bottom of your priorities list… Perhaps never finding out what actually feels good in your body!

This adventure is a thought-provoking exploration of the pleasure that is your birthright, supported by a carefully curated collection of practices to guide you on the journey back to safety and desire in your body.

To feeling erotically alive!

In this chapter, you’ll become..

  • Clear on your authentic erotic desires, free of shame or the tendency to abandon yourself and please a partner
  • More present in your body, rather than distracted by the mind and therefore more sensitive to subtle forms of pleasure
  • Free of any urge to ‘perform’ in the bedroom, a sure path to a low libido and unsatisfying sex life
  • Your true sexual self – confident in what you want and comfortable in expressing your needs, desires and boundaries

Your relationship with pleasure, refreshed

Have you ever been touched by a partner and thought, “Is that supposed to feel good?” Wondered why the ‘traditional’ paths to turn-on don’t ‘work’ for you, or don’t feel fulfilling? Similar to the love languages, your nervous system is uniquely wired for feeling safety, curiosity, pleasure and satisfaction!

You get to feel so much more excited, relaxed and fulfilled in the bedroom by staying true to your authentic eroticism!

Because you owe it to yourself to feel deserving of love, in all forms. To see your eroticism as beautiful.. To re-ignite the spark to your authentic erotic desires. To approach intimacy in an intentional way and to feel sexy and worthy of touch that is pleasurable to YOU!

In this chapter, you’ll..

  • Become comfortable in your true erotic design and have an even more profound understanding of your experience of vaginismus
  • Enjoy nourishing, pleasurable sensations in a way that creates authentic arousal and physical relaxation in your body
  • Increase your libido, initiate sex confidently and reclaim your AUTHENTIC sexual self

Claiming deeply rooted confidence and pleasure in your erotic expression

Navigating vaginismus is an incredibly difficult feat whether you’re single, dating, or in a relationship. Being in a partnership presents a unique set of challenges that are not spoken about enough!

This is a collection of interviews with partners who found out the hard way what being a supportive ally looks like and want to share what they’ve learned.

It considers the impact to your self-worth and relationship to your body, the changes in your partner’s psyche, as well as your shared intimacy. It also includes partnered games and practices to strengthen your connection!

In this chapter, you’ll understand how to..

  • Harness the healing power of vulnerability and patience that is required for kicking some vaginismus butt
  • Practice healthy and effective communication, even in the toughest times
  • Be supporters of each other in the journey, acting as a team even in the triggers that undoubtedly come up
  • Stand strong in your roles of vaginismus sister and supportive vaginismus partner and grow even stronger as a couple

Putting ourselves in each other’s shoes

Because live interactions can be incredibly motivating and help keep you on track, this is your opportunity to participate in group calls in which Katrin explores a particular topic of your interest in more detail.

Whether specific to overcoming vaginismus or your sex life on the other side of this private pain, Katrin facilitates a wide variety of conversations and experiences sometimes also joined by a guest expert!

You can attend live or watch the recordings of the Deep Dives at the most convenient time for you.

In this bonus, you’ll have..

  • A dedicated time to gather with fellow vaginismus sisters and go deeper on specific topics with which you desire more support
  • A chance to consider subtle themes of the journey that you hadn’t before connected to the protective body response of vaginismus
  • An opportunity to learn from guest experts in the realms of sex, love and relationships and participate in embodiment practices to support your sexual liberation

No support system would be complete without an opportunity to ask questions. In these sessions, Katrin responds to your anonymous questions in detail, monthly.

You can participate live for real-time feedback, or watch the recordings of the Question And Response Sessions at the most convenient time for you.

In this bonus, you’ll have..

  • An opportunity to connect with Katrin regularly, anonymously or not, and receive personalized feedback about the stage of the journey you’re on
  • A chance to hear what kind of challenges other vaginismus sisters are facing and get responses to questions you didn’t even know you have

Overcoming vaginismus isn’t about being a receiving partner of penetrative sex in a way that is pain-free. It’s about becoming an active participant in all forms of sex you enjoy, without limitations AND with a newfound sense of confidence and passion! 

That involves coming back to the basic need for safety – sounds simple, right? It has been anything but for most of us, since the body seems to have a mind of its own!

That’s why it’s important to zoom out to look past the sex and consider your broader relationship to love itself – encompassing safety in self, pleasure and relationships. It’s also necessary to explore your erotic identity on the other side of overcoming vaginismus, when your body no longer feels like it needs to protect you from perceived danger.

In these series of conversations, you get to explore what your full liberation looks like, emotionally, erotically and physically.

In this bonus, you’ll..

  • Have a new level of lightness and hope about your journey and feel empowered, proud of yourself and that you’re on the right path of overcoming vaginismus
  • Take a closer look at how your early experiences of life have shaped you into how you eventually showed up for yourself, in experiences of pleasure and in romantic relationships
  • Witness incredibly relatable and raw stories about love and life

A digital planner app Katrin helped create, customized to your sexual liberation adventure – so you can easily prioritize and track your well-being, stay inspired and curious, celebrate your wins and be guided by a plan for the future that YOU designed!

You can use it on your desktop/laptop computer or if you prefer, on your phone.

In this bonus, you’ll..

  • Reflect on all important areas of your life and set your intentions, 90 days at a time
  • Stay true to your priorities and find focus by making a detailed yet realistic plan of action
  • Create healthy habits to take the need for will power out of the equation so your body and mind can heal, as if on auto-pilot
  • Track your progress and mood – identify your patterns to success so you can replicate them
  • Release avoidance and overwhelm by dedicating your time to one tiny action at a time
  • Celebrate your wins and be called to feel gratitude on a daily basis

Let it feel like we’re meeting up for coffee or tea as part of a much-needed sharing circle, anchored in love, hope and empowerment.

With a newfound vaginismus family, you’ll feel supported, perhaps for the first time ever, by other amazing women who are on the path as you. Your partner will also have a space to plug into!

  • Vaginismus Sisters community on Facebook
    Connect with fellow vaginismus sisters, share experiences, tips and celebrate your milestones with women who truly understand! 
  • Deepest and most close-knit level of sisterhood on Telegram
    Interact with fellow vaginismus sisters through text messages and voice notes directly on your phone AND have Katrin in your pocket real-time!
  • Private forums inside your member’s area
    Another space for interaction, if you prefer not to use Facebook or Telegram.
  • Vaginismus Sisters Partners community on Facebook
    Where your partners can connect and grow into the best possible teammates by your side on this journey.
In this bonus, you’ll..

  • Learn about the intricacies of the journey that you may have never explored with even the closest people in your life and if you choose, participate in these open and vulnerable conversations
  • Be witness to the experiences and tips of others, voice your questions, and celebrate your progress with fellow vaginismus sisters
  • Access a place for your supportive partners to connect and grow in their capacity to be there for you in your sexual liberation

Consider the juicy prizes available to you as the extra motivation you may need to take small consistent actions towards your intimacy goals.

It’s never a dull moment and there’s always something up for grabs!

In this bonus, you’ll..

  • Have a chance to win juicy prizes from brands that I trust
  • Get your hands on gift cards, pelvic health tools and pleasure products discreetly delivered straight to your door, as well as personalized mentorship from Katrin

A space to discover guest stories by fellow vaginismus sisters, read love letters from women who have claimed their sexual liberation, explore vaginismus in the media and discover pleasure products and pelvic health tools.

In this bonus, you’ll..

  • Enjoy a library of valuable resources and wisdom
  • Search by topic to quickly find what you’re looking for


Gaining access to an extensive library of video and audio resources, embodiment practices, games and prompts for reflection can feel overwhelming! A clear-cut plan of action can transform crippling anxiety into gentle yet powerful action.

That’s why I’ve created a 12-month step-by-step plan to give you clarity on what to focus on each 2 weeks, invite you to go layers deeper with each chapter of the curriculum, as well as support you in taking consistent steps forward. 

All so you can make this year the year of your sexually liberation!

In this bonus, you’ll..

  • Have a step-by-step plan of action to follow, on a bi-weekly schedule spanning a year that can be adjusted based on your preference and existing time commitments
  • Relieve yourself of any guess work and overwhelm when navigating your Sexually Liberated Love Story

Satisfaction Guaranteed

My commitment to you is to provide immense value. If you’re not totally satisfied with what you got for any reason, please send me an email at hello@katrinwithlove.com within 7 days of your investment. You’ll get a full and courteous refund right away.

Secure Payment

Your credit card details are not stored on our servers. The information goes directly from your computer to our secure payment service provider.

Your Celebrations

  • Foundations Of Breaking The Cycle Of Pain: Setting The Stage To Your Sexual Liberation
  • Chapter 1: Mind To Body Connection Yoga: Loving Our Bodies Together
  • Chapter 2: Releasing Deep Muscular Tension: Calming Your Nervous System And Letting Go Of Trauma Stored In The Body
  • Chapter 3: Transforming The Pain Of The Past: Processing Your Past And Creating Space For A New Beginning
  • Chapter 4: Dictating Your New Sexual Reality On A Fresh Sleight: Using The Power Of Words
  • Chapter 5: Rekindling Intimate Connection: Finding Safety In Pleasure And Getting Your Libido Back
  • Chapter 6: Erotically Embodied: Embracing Your Authentic Sexual Expression
  • Chapter 7: Navigating Vaginismus In Relationships: Becoming A Team In The Journey
  • Chapter 8: Pelvic Floor Relaxation Exercises: Gaining Awareness And Control Of Your Pelvic Floor
  • Chapter 9: Pleasant And Effective Dilating: Experiencing Success With Dilating Once And For All
  • Chapter 10: Embodying The Liberated & In Love Woman: Guiding Yourself Back To The Lover And Muse Within
  • Chapter 11: Unleashed By Design: Liberation Through Embodiment

  • Vaginismus Real Talk
  • Overcoming Vaginismus
  • Sexually Liberated
  • Safety In Love
  • Our Vaginismus Sisters community on Facebook 
  • Deepest and most close-knit level of sisterhood on Telegram 
  • Private forums inside your member’s area
  • Vaginismus Sisters Partners community on Facebook

It’s important that you know the enormous value you’ll get in this experience. And though the individual dollar amounts above are not exact, they are my best good faith estimate since you cannot purchase chapters of Sexually Liberated separately.

Sexually Liberated is for you if..

  • You are a vaginismus sister, experiencing some stagnation with your progress.. Yet you have a DEEP DESIRE to overcome vaginismus and meet your personal intimacy goals.
  • You know that this journey has a lot to do with your own relationship to yourself and your body and that it calls you into some deep personal development. More importantly, you are ready to grow and learn!
  • You are tired of moving through this private pain in isolation and are ready to be supported, in sisterhood.
  • You crave to take your intimate life to a whole new level – beyond just adding penetrative sex to the sex menu! You want to be a passionate co-creator of all forms of sex that you desire, without physical limitation and with emotional connection like never before.
  • You feel that THIS IS YOUR TIME to claim your sexual liberation!

I am so excited for you to make all of your wishes bloom into their fullest beauty.. And as cheesy as it sounds, the best time to plant the seed of your sexual liberation is NOW.

Here’s a truth bomb though – no one can create a vaginismus-free life FOR you, so let’s clear up a few things..

Final Thoughts From You

Satisfaction Guaranteed

My commitment to you is to provide immense value. If you’re not totally satisfied with what you got for any reason, please send me an email at hello@katrinwithlove.com within 7 days of your investment. You’ll get a full and courteous refund right away.

Secure Payment

Your credit card details are not stored on our servers. The information goes directly from your computer to our secure payment service provider.

Now, I hand you the torch and invite you to keep the flame alive.