Women Like You Make Me Feel Less Alone With This

I really enjoyed our chat, it was great to connect with you 1-on-1.

Thank you so much for your time, it really uplifted me and gave me more hope on my own journey going forward. The meditation at the beginning was a lovely way to start, I found it easy to share parts of my story with you and you were easy to talk to, very warm, empathetic and non-judgmental.

I also found you extremely knowledgeable as well as sharing parts of your own journey – this was all amazing to hear and gave me so much hope.

I’d potentially like to join one of your courses in the future when the time is right for me, especially the exploration around sexuality. This particularly stood out to me and I understand it is an important part of healing vaginismus as well as embodying our full feminine energy.

It seems like you put so much time and effort into what you do and I’d like to say thank you for being a leader and a light in the vaginismus community. Women like you make me feel less alone with this. 

Thank you for everything you do.

– Stephanie (30 years old, Scotland)