Best Way To Keep Track Of Your Progress With Kegel Exercises
The body response of vaginismus results in having an over-active, or tight pelvic floor. So if you’re in the midst of your healing journey and…
When Should You Begin Doing Kegel Exercises?
Do you experience pelvic pain? Has your medical professional given you the following advice? Before taking on this advice, I want you to know… Doing…
Are Kegels Overrated?
Have you been told to ‘just do your kegels’? You may have found that your medical professional has thrown this word around like it’s the…
The Dangers Of Kegel Exercises
Has YOUR medical professional told you to do your kegels? Before you follow their advice, I urge you to consider a few important factors… Because…
Kegels For PUH-leasure
The day I discovered kegel balls was an exciting one! When I found this tool at a sex store I visited, the store clerk explained…
Regain Control Of Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
You’re on the vaginismus journey. You’ve been through thick and thin. You’ve decided to take action and undergo the necessary emotional healing and physical therapy…
Bicep Curls For The Pelvic Floor
It was a Saturday afternoon. My best friend and I were walking up one of the busy streets of downtown Toronto, heading to a special…
11 Tips From Vulva Owners: What Helped Them Overcome Vaginismus
Sometimes, vaginismus might make you feel like you are all alone on your path to recovery. A path full of pain and uncertainty… Can you…