Sneaky Perfectionism In Your Business

As an entrepreneur, sometimes you say something (perhaps an insight to a client) SO perfectly..

That you think to yourself – ‘gah, I wish I had that recorded! I wish I could share this on all my channels!’

This is your reminder that you are not missing out on the perfection of how you said something. Why? Because you are the common denominator. You can recreate that beautiful expression because you have THE SKILL to. 

The skill that you can choose to use at whatever time you like!

You see.. 


Fear of missing out and always wanting to do more (to maximize your efficiency/output) are sneaky examples of perfectionism.

They are ALSO subtle examples of scarcity consciousness, because they’re tied into ‘not enoughness’ and ‘this was amazing, but damn it’s gone’. Almost like an instant nostalgia for the moment that just passed and doubt that it will ever be this good again.

I invite you into deeper self-awareness with this. 🌹

In reality..

You are the creator of all of your ideas, expression and experiences.

The beauty of a moment you just created wasn’t a fluke to savour – it’s a skill that can be used over and over again. 

Hence, if you ever wanted to re-live an incredible moment, you CAN because it’s all in your hands! 

And now let’s go deeper.. 

Not only can a moment in the past be perfect already.. The next present moment can actually be better and can only get better. It’s a matter of perspective. There is no one ‘highest’ benchmark to aim for! 

It’s an upward curve because YOU are evolving into a more authentic version of you every moment.



That means..

That perfection isn’t even tied to what you ‘do’, it’s who you are. It’s not a skill that you have – it’s your embodiment of YOURSELF. Period.

‘Nothing has been lost’, ever.

And there’s nothing more to find.

There’s only you, to be. At peace with the present moment version of you that will always be perfect.


– Katrin, with Love