Trigger Point Release
What Vaginal Reflexology Has To Do With Sexual Liberation
There’s no doubt that sexual shame and suppression exist… On a MASSIVE scale in our society. It is the programming that we’ve received in our…
Emotional Healing For Vaginismus Through Massage
A few months ago, I had an incredibly vulnerable experience… It was arguably one of the Top 3 most beautiful and bonding moments with my…
Plastic Pelvic Wand For Trigger Point Release
Getting a kink in your neck after an uncomfortable night’s sleep is annoying to say the least! Getting a kink in the 1000x less physically…
Crystals For Pelvic Pain Healing And Trigger Point Release
Life is jam-packed with emotions! You experience traumatic events in life, and your stores emotions and memories from them within yourself… These trapped emotions impact…
What Is Internal Trigger Point Release Of The Pelvic Floor?
How quickly when you get a kink in your neck do you notice it? Pretty immediately right? I mean, it SCREAMS for attention. If you…
Dilators For Internal Trigger Point Release
I’m laying on my bed with a wand resting in my vagina. I grit my teeth and find myself holding my breath… Then I remember…