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From Spreadsheets To Spreader Bars

Yep, I trained to become a fancy accountant for 7 years. I resigned from PwC on the day before my 25th birthday to kick off the next chapter of my life outside of a spreadsheet. 

Some might say it was a quarter life crisis. I’d say it was a reclamation. 

And recently, I celebrated 5 years since that day!

It was a leap of faith – from Katrin, CPA, CA to Katrin, ALL OF ME.

Don’t get me wrong, the corporate world was my jam in many ways. I loved the brilliant people I got lucky enough to work with. I got off on the fast-paced nature. I had fun daydreaming when a couple of amazing juniors told me that when I run my own business one day, they’d come work for me haha 

Looking back, the 16 hour days of busy season taught me lots.

But when I looked ahead at the corporate ladder and didn’t feel excited by climbing it (though I enjoy climbing trees 😂..), I realized my time had come to an end.

I also didn’t know it yet, but my mind, body, soul (and vagina!) were screaming for the space to rest. I had muffled the screams for too long and resigning was my first real attempt at actively listening. 

That’s when the true climb started.

And the floodgates were open. Since I had started listening, there was no more ignoring my inner voice.

Ah man, it took me on a trek through my own sexual healing (that was way overdue), amazing relationships that tore me down just to build me up.. And a creation of a legacy and community that had me face my shame head on.

Shame about the kinky parts of my eroticism.. My inner slut. And the parts of me who actually WANT to initiate sex.

Shame about the spiritual, ‘woo-woo’ parts. The ones that melt into the expansiveness of nothing and everything at the same time.

Shame about the parts who just want to play and be taken care of by my alpha.. The stay-at-home-mom parts that have an internal battle with the strong, independent boss babe ones.

I asked myself a handful of questions, a version of which I’m sure you’ve asked yourself..

The questions you ask yourself can either lift you up or tear you down..

I found myself doubting..

Who was I to claim I could help women overcome painful sex (vaginismus)?! Who was I to share about what makes a great relationship after being engaged and un-engaged?

Who was I to teach about being the kick-ass Liberated & In Love woman who was in control of her life in so many ways AND could also fully surrender into the arms of a lover?

I realized that my personal challenges ARE what made me the woman for the job.

For 5 years, I’ve been in busy season training to have ‘the letters behind my name’ making me qualified to guide you towards your own freedom in sex, love, relationships. I have largely built a legacy already and would feel at peace if I died tomorrow. Also by association, I got qualified to guide you in building YOUR legacy.

The training will never end. But confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear.. And today, what carries me forward is a deep foundational layer of confidence and trust that we will only grow from here.

Yes, it took me 5 years to arrive at this moment.

It took me all years of my life so far to navigate the wounds with which my people-pleasing-high-performing-perfectionist-good-girl was struggling.

To love all version of me and integrate my shadows by shining light on them. By seeing them fully.  🔥

Yes, it took me 4 years to double my corporate income (and you know it – those first 3 years gave me ALL the reasons to quit, while still being an incredible blessing.)

It took me a series of a relationship rollercoasters (and valuable years living the single life) to see a distant friend in a new light and unite with my king.

But I’m here at this stage of my evolution.. And there is soo much that is bursting at the seams for me to share. 

And I know that much of my story is your story. You’ve walked the walk.

I see you. I applaud your strength. I applaud your softness. I applaud you for being the Liberated & In Love woman. Yes, she is you. And if she feels a little distant, all there is to do is to allow yourself to see her and let her shine.

– Katrin, with Love