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Having To Choose, Period

Having to choose between two incredibly important things has NEVER sat well with me. 🚫

Right after university, I skipped on super fun social events in favour of preparing for my 13 hours of CPA exams (yep, my first career was as an accountant!)

In a previous relationship, I let friendships become distant because I was too busy getting my sex, love and relationships coaching off the ground..

In my corporate career, I traded time with family for working 16 hours days.. AND in the summer, I went without pay so that I could spend 2 months in Europe. (I hadn’t yet found a way to travel WHILE I got paid..)

But I discovered a bitter truth..

⚠️ Wealth on the outside means nothing if you don’t have wealth within.

And later, a liberating truth – we are far more capable than our schooling, familial and societal conditioning once led us to believe ❣️

Today, I am both..

👑 Creating a legacy that inspires the Liberated & In Love Woman within you.. Guiding you in your deep emotional, relational and sexual growth..


🌹 Enjoying my own incredible relationship and love life! Having wayy more ‘me time’ than I would have had I continued climbing the corporate ladder.

I no longer feel like I have to choose!

And you too CAN create a life free of limitations.

Yes, some sacrifice IS a part of the equation for certain periods of time.. But ultimately, you can have an abundance of free time, love, play (and as a byproduct also money).

There should be no sacrificing related to values in your life that you absolutely stand for! 💃🏼 

What it takes is a brave decision to embody the Liberated & In Love Woman that already exists within you and is asking you to surrender to her leadership.

By stepping into your innate power, you can to take yourself anywhere you want.

And the possibilities are endless! ❤️

This weekend..

I surprised my man with a comedy club adventure date, gifted my nephew his favourite toy (he adores swords! 😅), dressed up all classy to enjoy the Lord Of The Rings orchestra, roller skated with friends for the first time ever, tested my limits with a polar dip and deeply rested at the sauna. 

This month..

My partner becomes completely location independent at his job, I continue my heart’s work as part of the Liberation, Love & Legacy Academy and our Sexually Liberated vaginismus coaching, AND we move out and embark on a 3 month adventure in South America!

This year..

We know that no matter what challenges arise, we will be fulfilled and wealthy (within and on the surface), because we have found safety in surrender and confidence that everything will be more than okay.

This life..

I have allowed the Liberated & In Love Woman to run the show. 👄

And helping you access her within YOU is exactly what I’m here for.

In love, relationships, sex and biz. 

And yes, all of those are incredibly interconnected! 

👑 🌹

What intentions does the Liberated & In Love part of YOU have for your life – what does she want to create this weekend, month, or year? 

Get in touch with me and let me know! 💌

– Katrin, with Love