Katrin with Love
From External Stimulation To Internal Pleasure With Sex Toys
As a fellow vaginismus sister, sex toys might feel a little overwhelming. Okay, a little more than a little.. I only accidentally found myself in…
Secretive Pleasure To Add Some Variety To Your Sex Life
As a fellow vaginismus sister.. Even for a little bit, you may not have had a sex life that WASN’T riddled in pain and disappointment.…
Arm Yourself With Tools From Brands I Trust On Black Friday
Over the last 5 years of supporting fellow vaginismus sisters in claiming their sexual liberation, I’ve gotten familiar with various incredible sexual health and wellness…
Just From Your Free Resources I’ve Received So Much More Understanding Than From All Of The Professionals That I’ve Paid So Much Money To See
I just wanted to say that I found your content so helpful. I signed up for your emails and have been exploring through your free…
Overcoming Vaginismus, Through The Back Door?
It’s no secret that you unconsciously clench your butt cheeks and perhaps also experience constipation. (Oops, maybe that was a secret! Sorry I outed you.)…
Next Level Orgasms
Exploring the pleasure potential of your body is a huge part of the path to overcoming vaginismus and claiming your sexual liberation! From the 3…
Intimidated By Dilators? Start With These
Imagine you’re here because you’ve heard of dilators.. But quite frankly wish you hadn’t.. Not only because they’re associated with an incredibly tough journey that…
There Is Deep Meaning And Purpose In The Symptoms We Experience
I have been on a journey with vaginismus for almost two years. It felt like I’d read everything on the internet that I could possibly…
I’m Relieved I Could Open Up
I really enjoyed our consultation. You helped me unravel many problems that were connected to vaginismus without me consciously knowing and gave specific ideas for…